Rise of Skywalker: What’s with the Hate?

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was an excellently timed gift to everyone with a November release. It gave hardcore and casual fans the opportunity to invest into a multitude of franchises all over again. As we wait for our business to take off, we were excited to have a new streaming service that catches us up with Star Wars.

All the hype around The Mandalorian was fun and all, but the final installment of the 40-year movie series really sparked our interest. I’ll admit, I’ve never been a super fan. It’s always been a flawed children’s series to me and I never watched it as a kid. Watching episode 1-8 in a week made me appreciate the story a lot more than I ever have.

The critical point of view of all the fans has always been comical for me. Whoever saw Star Wars as a perfect story has obviously looked too far into it. I can understand the impact of the original trilogy for the time it was released. There’s nothing like it as far as 70s and 80s sci-fi. Whether it stands up to the test of time is another conversation in my opinion. Episodes 1-3 were harshly received. Anakin and Padme had the corniest back and forth; but I think Obi-Wan was the star of the entire franchise in my eyes. He had a lot to teach and gave fans someone to look up to as a father figure. I’ve seen the Luke trilogy but didn’t remember that he dies so soon before you really learn what hes capable of.

The last trilogy has made me more of a fan than I’ve ever been. As a casual, I’m able to take it all with a grain of salt. The people who are so pissed about having a female lead role seem to be from one specific demographic that I’m not a part of. The cinematography is brilliant and the special effects are top notch; the best in the world. Finn gives people something fresh to look forward to. His story is unique for Star Wars and we had no clue where is connection to the force would take him.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

That brings us to Rise of Skywalker. I, for one, absolutely loved it. Maybe it was that I watched the entire series the week leading up to it, but I was on the edge of my seat nearly the entire time. Poe, Finn, and Rey are badass; Rey especially. She really does rival the other leaders of the series without being whiny and bitching all the time like Like and Anakin. She’s a strong woman who doesn’t show character flaws every scene. She’s rightly the savior of the universe because she never gives into the dark side like the aforementioned.

The connection between Kylo Ren and Rey was the most intriguing part of the trilogy. That’s a welcome change from the silly love story that’s forced upon us like Leia and Solo or Anakin and Padme. It was a mix of organic and fate. Every scene between the two had tremendous chemistry; the way their story wrapped up was perfect and unexpected for me. I’ll always remember his story like fans before me will always remember Luke’s.

Yeah I have some apprehensions about calling it perfect. As big of a fan as I am of Adam Driver, I don’t believe that was the perfect casting. He did great and acted his ass off (as he does). I guess it’s the innocent sparkle in his eyes that gives you the impending sense of redemption so true to the Star Wars theme; but I just didn’t buy it for the first two movies. Also, the whole familial relation with Rey struck my nerve. I got over it quickly after the dramatic ending but I thought the big revelation was off-target. Not my preference but whatever. Like I said, I’ve never been so close to take it too personally.

Overall, I was impressed with not only the movie, but the way it made me come around as a fan. I felt every emotion on the spectrum watching the epic film and that’s all I could ask for. It was without a doubt better that episodes 1-3 and the story was just as good as Luke’s tale. Rey was the star of the series and never once came off as weak or scared. I’m excited to see what Disney has in store next for us. I just hope they take some time and let the ending of sci-fi most epic tale marinate with the fans for a while before starting with a new story.

What did you think about the polarizing franchise? Super fan of Star Wars? Tell me what I got wrong on social media! Subscribe to keep up with more Nerd News!

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